Support & Statistic

Through its technical or through selected partners 01 Informatica Srl offers Hardware and Software Support:

The provided technical assistance services to our customers are performed either by telephone or through remote support, or at the customer offices, according to the type of problem and urgent intervention.

In addition, our technicians will advise you to keep in good working order your wired or wireless network, switches and routers that enable client / server / Internet in your company. Also certified firewall realized with infrastructure LINUX.
Secure Sharing with defined access policies by the administrator on hard disk drives, printers, back-up resources and network, NAS, SAN, etc.

Hardware Support

The increasing complexity of IT infrastructure and business needs require technical assistance on new concepts.

The integration of services and high availability of IT systems have become priorities for companies, and are exactly what customers expect.

The Maintenance Services based IBM hardware and software meet these requirements: it offers a portfolio of services designed to increase availability and reliability of IT infrastructure, achieve performance in line with business needs, simplify the management of computing environments and IBM multivendor.

IBM Hardware Maintenance includes support for both IBM and non-IBM products and helps to optimize the availability of system resources through qualified and experienced.

IBM offers customers predictive maintenance, preventive maintenance, identification of the source of the problem, problem determination and repair the hardware.

IBM Hardware Maintenance Services can help you:

  • Getting the right support for your hardware;
  • Having a single point of reference for support for both IBM and non-IBM products;
  • Minimize costly downtime and protect discontinuing operations;
  • Accelerate recovery.

Software Support

In any business of any size, the risk of an interruption of IT services is a very serious threat:
business and business competitiveness are increasingly dependent on technology, which in turn evolves into an ever more complex.

It is therefore essential to keep updated all the systems and applications, in particular, rely on professionals to streamline operations and resolve any problems promptly.
01 Informatica Srl offers the expertise and resources of a global team, available in both remote and on-site, and it is responsible for protecting customers with an efficient service.

Services cover all software products from 01 Informatica Srl, helping organizations increase productivity, to preserve the business, save on costs. All updates of the law or improvements to programs, for example, are released completely free of charge.

It’s a smarter way to make preventive care, protecting the infrastructure from threats and risks.

Hardware Statistic since 2014

Hardware Support opened tickets
Hardware Support closed tickets
Average time to escape the ticket
Total hours of telephone intervention/remote technical hardware
Total hours of intervention with clients of technical hardware

Software Statistic since 2014

Software Support opened tickets
Software Support closed tickets
Average time to escape the ticket
Total hours of telephone intervention/remote technical software
Total hours of intervention with clients of software engineers
issued updates free of charge to customers for service since the beginning of 2014