The Crucial Role of ESG Reporting in Today’s Economy
In today's rapidly evolving economic landscape, the focus on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors has become paramount. As corporations are increasingly expected to be accountable not just for their financial performance, but also for [...]
L as in Licensing
L as in Licensing... Having a clear understanding of the concepts underlying license management in the IBM i world is essential for effective and proper software usage. The goal of this article is to provide [...]
Cybersecurity Risks and How to Defend Against Them
In recent years, the increase in the use of digital technologies has brought about a growing awareness of cybersecurity risks. These risks include threats to privacy, data breaches, and cyberattacks. But how can we defend [...]
A new look for the Codice01 login page…
A new login for Codice01... With the upcoming update on the Codice01 login page, you will find news directly from the website; important tax, technical, and informational updates regarding the new software releases that [...]
30 Anni e non dimostrarli
Eccoci al traguardo dei 30 anni, il 13 gennaio 2022 01 Informatica Srl compie 30 anni, che storia....., che avventura...., un percorso non privo di ostacoli ma che ci ha permesso di crescere sempre di [...]
Situazione COVID-19
A seguito allo stato di allerta sanitaria legata alla diffusione del Coronavirus (Covid-19) che nelle ultime settimane sta attanagliando il nostro paese e non solo, desideriamo informarvi che la nostra azienda, pur rispettando le indicazioni [...]
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